This dataset contains the data acquired on the 9 m-long core CAS16-01PC (16°24.576’N, 60°23.648’W, 5203 mbsl) sampled with the Calypso piston coring system in the Karukera Basin offshore the Guadeloupe island (Lesser Antilles) during the research cruise CASEIS (DOI 10.17600/16001800) on board of the R/V Pourquoi Pas?, between May 28th to July 05th 2016. The core was divided in six 150 cm-thick sections. This dataset consists of the raw data measured: 1) on board with the GEOTECK Multi Sensor Core Logger of the Quebec University at Rimouski (on the whole core: P-wave velocity, gamma density, and volumetric magnetic susceptibility; and on the split core: high resolution photographs, surface magnetic susceptibility and spectrophotocolorimetry); and 2) the X-ray images with the GEOTEK X-ray CT and the semi-quantitative chemical elementary profiles with an AVAATECH XRF core scanner at IFREMER. 34 turbidites has been identified intercalated with hemipelagic sediment layers.