Military dictionary by students of defence studies


The military dictionary by students of defense sciences was created during the course Slovenian language and Slovenian military idioms (2012/13 and 2013/14) at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It was created by second-year students under the supervision of Dr. Nataša Logar and Dr. Erik Kopač. The starting point for the selection of terms was the Military Doctrine (2006) and the Military Logistics Doctrine (2008). The dictionary consists of 192 terms with definitions and English equivalents.

The dictionary is distributed in XML using the TBX (TermBase eXchange) standard for representing and exchanging information from termbases.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Alvian, Špela; Ambrož, Luka; Areh, Nejc; Benedik, Kristijan; Bezjak, Matic; Blaževič, Tin; Bricman, Urban; Cerar, Silvo; Cotič, Jaša; Dobrovoljc, Polona; Eržen, Žiga; Golja, Teo; Grilj, Blaž; Grželj, Alen; Guzelj, Boštjan; Hočevar, Eva; Homer, Martina; Jelen, Patrik; Jesenovec, Jure; Kadak, Matevž; Kavčič, Žan; Knific, Peter; Kovačič, Klemen; Kranjc, Aljaž Janez; Lorger, Žiga; Mihelčič, Petra; Mlakar, Melanija; Moser, Urša; Mravlje, Nina; Nared, Eva; Oberstar, Jan; Pertoci, Maša; Plestenjak, Patricija; Pogačar, Jaka; Prednik, Sašo; Radelj Šemrov, Enej; Rejc, Ines; Revak, Alan; Rihtar, Tilen; Skok, Ana; Skok, Eva; Slejko, Tjaša; Srečnik, Eva; Šinkovec, Matej; Tekavc, Tomaž; Turnšek, Tamara; Vičič, Zala; Vozel, Saša; Zalokar, Luka; Zidarič, Matic; Žugelj, Jože; Žujić, Luka
Publisher Amebis, d. o. o., Kamnik; Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
Publication Year 2014
Rights Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Slovenian; Slovene; English
Resource Type lexicalConceptualResource
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/zip; downloadable_files_count: 1
Discipline Linguistics