This series of high quality elemental abundance analyses of mostly Main Sequence normal and peculiar B, A, and F stars defines their properties and provides data for the comparison with analyses of somewhat similar stars and with theoretical predictions. Most use high dispersion and high S/N (greater than or equal to 200) spectrograms obtained with CCD detectors at the long camera of the 1.22-m Dominion Astrophysical Observatory telescope's coude spectrograph. Here we expand the range of stars examined to include two relatively quiescent F supergiants. nu Her (F2 II) and 41 Cyg (F5 Ib-II) are analyzed as consistently as possible with previous studies. These LTE fine analyses use the ATLAS9 and the WIDTH9 programs of R.L. Kurucz. High signal-to-noise spectrograms and high quality atomic data were employed. The derived values of these photometrically constant stars are somewhat different with the abundances of nu Her being somewhat metal-poor and those of 41 Cyg being crudely solar-like. Our analyses indicate that the basic results of Luck and Wepfer who also studied nu Her and 41 Cyg are not likely to be significantly changed by new studies of all their stars.