

WordnetLoom – is an wordnet editor application built for the needs of the construction of a the largest Polish wordnet called plWordNet. WordnetLoom provides two means of interaction: a form-based, implemented initially, and a visual, graph-based introduced recently. The visual, graph-based interactive presentation of the wordnet structure enables browsing and its direct editing on the structure of lexico-semantic relations and synsets. WordnetLooms works in a distributed environment, i.e. several linguists can work simulanuously from different sites on the same central database.

PID http://hdl.handle.net/11321/38
Related Identifier http://nlp.pwr.wroc.pl/pl/narzedzia-i-zasoby/wordnetloom
Metadata Access https://clarin-pl.eu/oai/request?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:clarin-pl.eu:11321/38
Creator Piasecki, Maciej; Marcińczuk, Michał; Ramocki, Radosław; Maziarz, Marek; Radziszewski, Adam; Wardyński, Adam; Kędzia, Paweł; Naskręt, Tomasz
Publisher Wrocław University of Technology
Publication Year 2011
OpenAccess true
Contact clarin-pl(at)pwr.edu.pl
Language Polish
Resource Type toolService
Format downloadable_files_count: 0
Discipline Linguistics