Data for: Association of proteins modulating the immune response and insulin clearance with diabetic fetopathy

The uploaded files represent supplemental materials and original proteomes covering patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus that were routinely screened during their pregnancy. Patients were sampled for proteomic assay during a standard biochemical assay. The proteomic analysis was conducted under mass spectrometry and LC conditions with further statistical tests and analysis. Finally, a portion of the most confidently alternating proteins was quantified based on the UPS-2 (Universal Proteomic Standard, Dynamic Range) calibration. We estimated the concentration of some proteins and tested the difference between the control group (uncomplicated pregnancy) and patients with complicated pregnancy (gestational diabetes or type 2 diabetes). The obtained results were percolated through the known processes to link the proteins under consideration with a possible risk of diabetic fetopathy - a neonatal complication, which was diagnosed by conventional ultrasound examination. Eventually, we composed a molecular event chain that covered insulin resistance and immune response as a main probably source for the risk of diabetic fetopathy. We found four (4) key proteins alteration of which seems to be confidently and obligatory for the prediction of diabetic fetopathy in patients with complicated pregnancy.

Metadata Access
Creator Kopylov, A
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Arthur T Kopylov
Publication Year 2019
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other