23 datasets found

Keywords: radio sources

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  • Magnetar XTEJ1810-197 follow-up 300-1450MHz GMRT obs.

    We present the long-term spectro-temporal evolution of the average radio emission properties of the magnetar XTE J1810-197 (PSRJ1809-1943), following its most recent outburst in...
  • Cluster analysis of Roma-BZCAT blazars

    Based on the collected multiwavelength data, namely in the radio (NVSS, FIRST, RATAN-600), IR (WISE), optical (Pan-STARRS), UV (GALEX), and X-ray (ROSAT, Swift-XRT) ranges, we...
  • ALMA 3-mm sources in the Orion-KL region

    High-energy processes are ubiquitous even in the earliest stages of protostellar evolution. Motivated by the results of our systematic search for intense centimetre radio flares...
  • VLA compact radio sources in the ONC

    We present a newly enlarged census of the compact radio population towards the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) using high-sensitivity continuum maps (3-10uJy/beam) from a total of...
  • A Galactic survey of radio jets from MYSOs

    In conjunction with a previous southern-hemisphere work, we present the largest radio survey of jets from massive protostars to date with high-resolution (~0.04 arcsec) Jansky...
  • TESS candidate exoplanet hosts observed with LOFAR

    The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence aims to find evidence of technosignatures, which can point toward the possible existence of technologically advanced...
  • Multiwavelength light curves of PG 1553+113

    Blazar PG 1553+113 is thought to be a host of supermassive black hole binary system. A 2.2yr quasi-periodicity in the {gamma}-ray light curve was detected, possibly a result of...
  • Catalog of FR-II radio galaxies

    We present an independent catalog (FRIIRGcat) of 45241 Fanaroff-Riley Type II (FR-II) radio galaxies compiled from the Very Large Array Faint Images of the Radio Sky at...
  • FAST Pulsar Database. I.

    Pulsar polarization profiles form a very basic database for understanding the emission processes in a pulsar magnetosphere. After careful polarization calibration of the 19-beam...
  • Multiwavelength monitoring of the type Ib SN 2014C

    SN 2014C was originally classified as a Type Ib supernova, but at phase {phi}=127d, post-explosion strong H{alpha} emission was observed. SN 2014C has since been observed in...
  • DES DR1 galaxies in the field of FRB 180924

    Fast radio burst (FRB) dispersion measures (DMs) record the presence of ionized baryons that are otherwise invisible to other techniques enabling resolution of the matter...
  • DM Tau JVLA image

    Previous high-angular-resolution 225GHz (~1.3mm) continuum observations of the transitional disk DM Tau have resolved an outer ring at 20-120au radii that is weakly azimuthally...
  • Malin 1 MUSE images

    Giant low-surface brightness (GLSB) galaxies are an extreme class of objects with very faint and extended gas-rich disks. Malin 1 is the largest GLSB galaxy known to date, but...
  • 44GHz VLA obs. of methanol masers in DR21(OH)

    High-mass stars play an important role in the interstellar medium, but much remains to be known about their formation. Class I methanol masers may be unique tracers of an early...
  • Optical emission with radio structures

    We investigated the location of the optical emission with respect to the parsec-scale radio structure and attempted to identify whether the optical centroid is coincident with...
  • Swift/BAT 14-195keV obs. of FRB 180916.J0158+65

    FRB 180916.J0158+65 is one of the nearest, periodically repeating, and actively bursting fast radio bursts (FRBs) that has been localized to the outskirts of a spiral galaxy. In...
  • MALS SALT-NOT survey of MIR-selected AGN at z<3.5

    We present results of an optical spectroscopic survey using SALT and the Nordic Optical Telescope to build a Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mid-infrared color-based,...
  • Mrk 421 multiwavelength light curves

    We have performed the first broadband study of Mrk 421 from radio to TeV gamma rays with simultaneous measurements of the X-ray polarization from IXPE. The data were collected...
  • Opt. morphologies of FIR & submm host gal. in COSMOS

    We present a host morphological study of 1266 far-infrared galaxies (FIRGs) and submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) in the Cosmic Evolution Survey field using the F160W and F814W...
  • 6.7GHz methanol maser flare in G11.497-1.485

    Maser flares are of particular significance for the study of massive star formation as they not only signal but also provide unique insights into transient phenomena such as...
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