4,191 datasets found

Keywords: Galaxies

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  • The mass function of nearby black holes

    The mass function of supermassive black holes in our cosmic neighborhood is required to understand the statistics of their activity and consequently the origin of ultra high...
  • Abundances in HII regions and PNe of M81

    M81 is an ideal laboratory to investigate the galactic chemical and dynamical evolution through the study of its young and old stellar populations. We analyze the chemical...
  • Radio-optical scrutiny of compact AGN

    We study the correlations between the VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array) radio emission at 15GHz, extended emission at 151MHz, and optical nuclear emission at 5100{AA} for a...
  • Spectroscopic study of 65 nearby galaxies

    With the aim of constraining the source of excitation and the origin of the ionized gas in early-type galaxies (ETGs), we analyzed intermediate resolution optical spectra of a...
  • Distribution of WR stars in 2 nearby galaxies

    We study the distribution of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars and their subtypes with respect to their host galaxy light distribution. We thus want to investigate whether WR stars are...
  • Velocities of A2294 galaxies

    The mechanisms giving rise to diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters, and in particular their connection with cluster mergers, are still debated. We seek to explore the...
  • NGC1600, NGC4125, NGC7619 extended spectroscopy

    We present high quality long slit spectra along the major and minor axes out to 1.5-2R_e_ (14-22kpc) of three bright elliptical galaxies (NGC1600, NGC4125, NGC7619) obtained at...
  • Galaxies of J0454-0309 lensing fossil group

    We have discovered a strong lensing fossil group (J0454) projected near the well-studied cluster MS0451-0305. Using the large amount of available archival data, we compare J0454...
  • PAH luminous galaxies at z~1

    The NEP-deep survey, an extragalactic AKARI survey towards the north ecliptic pole (NEP), provides a comprehensive wavelength coverage from 2 to 24um using all 9 photometric...
  • SEDs in ADFS (AKARI Deep Field South)

    We investigate the nature and properties of far-infrared (FIR) sources in the AKARI Deep Field South (ADF-S). We performed an extensive search for the counterparts to 1000 ADF-S...
  • SDSS DR7 groups of galaxies

    We extract groups of galaxies as flux-limited and volume-limited samples from the SDSS Data Release 7 to study the supercluster-void network and environmental properties of...
  • Sgr dSph VIMOS photometry and radial velocities

    The Sagittarius dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Sgr dSph) provides us with a unique possibility of studying a dwarf galaxy merging event while still in progress. Moving along a...
  • Velocities of NGC 1399 globular clusters

    Globular clusters (GCs) are tracers of the gravitational potential of their host galaxies. Moreover, their kinematic properties may provide clues for understanding the formation...
  • Abundances of M33 HII regions

    We analyze the spatial distribution of metals in M33 using a new sample and literature data of HII regions, constraining a model of galactic chemical evolution with HII region...
  • VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy in GOODS-South field

    We present the full data set of the VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph (VIMOS) spectroscopic campaign of the ESO/GOODS program in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), which...
  • JHks of GOODS-South field

    We present the final public data release of the VLT/ISAAC near-infrared imaging survey in the GOODS-South field. The survey covers an area of 172.5, 159.6 and 173.1arcmin^2^ in...
  • Study of an eclipsing binary in M31

    The cosmic distance scale largely depends on distance determinations to galaxies of the Local Group. In this sense, the Andromeda galaxy (M31) is a key rung to better constrain...
  • Long slit spectroscopy in M31

    We present new optical long-slit data along six position angles of the bulge region of M31. We derive accurate stellar and gas kinematics reaching 5-arcmin from the center,...
  • Metallicity estimates of M31 globular clusters

    We present a new homogeneous set of metallicity estimates based on Lick indices for the old globular clusters of the M31 galaxy. The final aim is to add homogeneous...
  • Spitzer selected starbursts at z~2

    Wide-field Spitzer surveys allow identification of thousands of potentially high-z submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) through their bright 24um emission and their mid-IR colors. We...
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