Standardized method for material flow data collection at city level

In the excel file entitled by Method for data collection, the original information for the sectoral level data of material flows can be obtained following the statistical data sources presented in the template of data collection. The definitions of nine sectors (Internal Environment, Agriculture, Mining, Energy Conversion, Manufacturing, Recycling, Household, Construction, and Transportation) are described in Scopes of Sectors (Table S1). The templated spreadsheet (Table S2) was built to instruct the basic material flow data collection from statistical sources, and the last column in empty can help users to input their material flow data for their study area. Inventory of Conversion Factors (Table S3) lists all the conversion factors used in the sectoral material accounting at city level. The excel file of Data for the 16 Shandong cities in 2017 demonstrates the process of material flow accounting. First, raw data were acquired according to the data sources specified in the template. The blanks of some terms indicate the data cannot be accessed by statistical sources but need to be estimated based on the statistical data. In data preparation, some original data were simply calculated or repeated to further unify the physical units of original data by conversion factors. For example, as the original statistic for the number of vehicles are recorded by a specific year, not a variation between two years, so the simply calculations were done. Because the specific materials, like steel, aluminum are estimated by the added roads, pipelines and heat devices, some repetitive numbers appear in different terms for further estimations. Then, according to the conversion factors, the data with inconsistent units were converted into physical unit ton and sectoral material flows are presented in the material flow accounting. Furthermore, the total amounts of material input, material recycling, and waste disposal can be used to evaluate the CE indicators of the cities. In addition, following the pathways (e.g., f35 is the material flow from sector 3 mining to sector 5 manufacturing), the material flow dataset can be applied to construct the direct flow matrix, which is basic for the calculation of the integral flows in the ecological network.

Metadata Access
Creator Gao, H
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Han Gao
Publication Year 2021
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other